

Missincat In anteprima e in esclusiva i testi di Wirewalker

02/03/2015 di Ambrosia J. S. Imbornone

#Missincat#Rock Internazionale#Alternative #Folk #Songwriting

Classe, consapevolezza, grazia e maturità: Caterina Barbieri è tornata con il suo nuovo album, Wirewalker, in bilico tra vuoti e pieni, luce e malinconia, dolcezza e intensità. Leggete i testi e la recensione e ascoltate le canzoni del disco!
Caterina Barbieri, alias Missincat, milanese di nascita, ormai berlinese d’adozione, torna con il suo terzo album, Wirewalker (Revolver/Audioglobe), in uscita oggi, 2 marzo, in Italia: a tutti gli effetti sembra il disco della maturità, in cui la cantautrice mostra netta classe e grazia a iosa. Superate dichiaratamente le sonorità “da cameretta”, “minimalistiche, fragili, giocose, quasi infantili, con le quali ci aveva ammaliato con i suoi primi due dischi”, come si legge nella presentazione del nuovo disco, l’artista ci regala un lavoro delizioso, scintillante e dolcissimo, ma anche intenso, sfumato, con momenti orchestrali ora lievi, ora avvolgenti.  

Si legge d’altronde nella nostra recensione, firmata da Veronica Eracleo:

Wirewalker presenta i due volti dell’anima di Missincat: quella più solare caratterizzata da canzoni come il singolo Pirates, Ten Lines e Don’t let her, e quella più cupa che regala momenti intensi come la bellissima Star, Bitter e Stay. Due lati della stessa medaglia che rendono Wirewalker un disco di piacevole ascolto in grado di tenerci compagnia sia nelle splendide giornate di sole che nelle malinconiche sere invernali.”

Trovate l’articolo completo qui:


Nel comunicato ufficiale si sottolinea come l’album viva di “forti contrasti” e si presenti così “vicino e lontano, pieno e vuoto, piano e forte, melodie prima sussurrate e poi crescenti fino a diventare grandiose, cinematiche, accompagnate da ritmi incalzanti e spettacolarità orchestrali”.

Si tratta di sonorità dal chiaro spessore internazionale, levigate e ariose, ben selezionate anche nei pieni e quindi preziose; così Caterina racconta il suo nuovo disco:

Avevo bisogno di un vocabolario più vasto per esprimermi, di nuovi colori per la mia tavolozza, i miei schemi creativi iniziavano a starmi stretti. È stato un processo di grande slancio. Ho dovuto innanzitutto rinunciare al controllo totale, sulla mia voce e sulla musica. Ho ceduto alle potenzialità inespresse, alle possibilità, ho imparato a lasciar accadere, iniziato a provare cose diverse, a mettermi in discussione, a esplorare, a osare; la mia voce ha trovato modalità nuove, che mi erano ancora sconosciute, la musica ha seguito a ruota questa urgenza espressiva. Ho collaborato in modo stretto e intenso con due produttori (Berend Intelmann e Johannes Saal) che mi hanno aiutato a rendere il suono grandioso come volevo, abbiamo usato molti elementi orchestrali, timpani, archi, molto pianoforte, abbiamo esasperato le dinamiche, i pieni e i vuoti. Anche l´aspetto percussivo era per me fondamentale, volevo che tutto l´album fosse trascinato da una pulsazione, che il ritmo fosse portante altrettanto quanto le melodie.”

Vi presentiamo in anteprima e in esclusiva tutti i testi di Wirewalker, tutti composti ovviamente dalla cantautrice, in cui troviamo un vasto, complesso e sfaccettato microcosmo di stati d’animo e modalità di essere, seduzione e ingenuità ostentata, le delusioni, le perdite, i momenti di sconforto, la sofferenza immedicabile o la tristezza che fa sentire impotenti, così come le gioie che curano le ferite, l’indifferenza avara di chi non sa ascoltare o donare, le ambiguità, i silenzi e il rumore del dolore, l’amarezza, la rassegnazione, ma anche la speranza più ostinata che persegue e insegue la luce del giorno, per superare e cancellare le solitudini.

Buona lettura e buon ascolto: potete infatti ascoltare il disco qui sotto in streaming.


1. Ten Lines

2. All I Needed

3. Pirates

4. Bitter

5. Don't Let Her

6. Wolf in a Sheepskin

7. Star

8. Daylight

9. Stay

10. Wirewalker

1. Ten Lines

One line for the one that we left behind
One line for the time we cared
This one´s for the day we got tangled
This one for when we run away
One line for the night we said:
‘‘We will never part’’
And this is for each time we thought:
“We loved in vain”

Oh my love you will be fine
´coz I´ll do all I can do
to raise you up again and make you all right
I´ll do all I can do
to do you good

One line for the time we held on tight
when it was better to let loose
One is for the words we thought out loud
and they got misunderstood
This is for the game we thought we would never win
And this one for each time we said: “I believe”

Oh my love you will be fine
´coz I´ll do all I can do
to raise you up again and make you all right
I´ll do all I can do
If there´s no one around
I´ll be close behind
and I´ll do all I can do
to do you good 

Oh my love you will be fine
´coz I´ll do all I can do
to raise you up again and make you all right
I´ll do all I can do
If there´s no one around
I´ll be close behind
and I´ll do all I can do
to do you good


2. All I Needed

An entire lifetime
In your safe little world
Crying for your defeated dream of glory
Tangled with your demons
nothing to give
No time to listen
Did you hear him calling or
did you try to ignore him

You couldn´t comfort him
reach out your hand
And this was all he needed
You couldn´t comfort him
reach out your hand
And this was all he needed

You never took a risk
relied on others demanding for more
The love you took
you never learnt to give it back

You couldn´t comfort me
Reach out your hand
And this was all I needed
You couldn´t comfort me
Reach out your hand
And this was all I needed

Hungry impatient heart
So afraid you won´t  get enough
You couldn´t share your spotlight
You couldn´t share
You don´t realize how much you get
You just see what you wanna see
Didn’t you hear us calling
or did you try to ignore us?

You couldn´t comfort me
Reach out your hand
And this was all I needed
You couldn´t comfort me
Reach out your hand
And this was all I needed 

You don´t realize how much you get
You just see what you wanna see

You couldn´t comfort us
Reach out your hand
And this was all we needed
You couldn´t comfort us
Reach out your hand
And this was all we needed

You couldn´t comfort us
Reach out your hand
And this was all we needed
You couldn´t comfort us
Reach out your hand
And this was all we needed

3. Pirates

Sitting in the park at night
Shiny moon, big watching eye
Wine makes our laughter louder
You pour my glass full

I wear my tight pirate dress
But my smile looks innocent
I won´t let you notice my real intent

Getting closer
Bringing troubles
We're not supposed to play this game

Tempting thoughts
So hard to fight
While my mind loses control

Rays of blinding sun
Are leaking through my door
Wildfire sparks just waiting for my nod

Walking, walking on the edge 
Shaky ground beneath our feet
Did you see I left the place acting like a thief?
Just a little step away 
Do you know? I know you do
You keep talking,
I play dumb, I play dumb 

Getting closer
Bringing troubles
We're not supposed to play this game

Tempting thoughts
So hard to fight
While my mind loses control

Rays of blinding sun
Are leaking through my door
Wildfire sparks just waiting for my nod

Teasing fascination 
Knocking at my door
Wildfire sparks just waiting for my nod 
Waiting for my nod
Waiting for my nod

Rays of blinding sun
Are leaking through my door
Wildfire sparks just waiting for my nod 

Teasing fascination 
Knocking at my door
Wildfire sparks just waiting for my nod 

4. Bitter

I couldn´t sleep all night
I lay awake staring at the ceiling above us

Doubt and disappointment in my head
coz truly I believed you´d understand

You see I´m in trouble and find nowhere help
nothing turns out - like I expect

Our souls look trapped in challenge
Are we too fragile to help each other?

How bitter is to need what you can´t get me
How little is the hope you ever will
How bitter is to touch with my own hand
The limit of your love for me

Isn´t it easy to make things right
When life has been uncomplicated

Come on take a step towards me
Tell me what are you afraid to lose?

How bitter is to need what you can´t get me
How little is the hope you ever will
How bitter is to touch with my own hand
The limit of your love for me

You make me feel lost right in my own place
You get my back against the wall
Make me feel I don´t belong
 I don´t belong here

I could spend a lifetime trying to understand
What you are trying to obscure
Make me feel I don´t belong
I don´t belong here

5. Don't Let Her

Don´t let her say it again
Don´t let her do it again
Show your real face
Call it out loud
Your ambiguity is driving me mad

I don´t fit into this game
It hits like a fist each time you lie
I want to see you fight
I want to see you fight
I won´t keep my mouth shut
I will not pretend that I´m all right
While my heart is breaking instead

Don´t let her say it again
Don´t let them do it again
What you let them see
Is not what things are like
Now your silence
Hurts more than a million words
It hits like a fist each time you lie
I want to see you fight
I want to see you fight
I won´t keep my mouth shut
I will not pretend that I´m all right
While my heart is breaking instead

It hits like a fist each time you lie
I want to see you fight
I want to see you fight
I won´t keep my mouth shut
I will not pretend that I´m all right
While my heart is breaking instead 

Don´t let her
Don´t let her
Don´t let her do it again
It´s no fun to watch this game

It hits like a fist each time you lie
I want to see you fight
I want to see you fight
I won´t keep my mouth shut
I will not pretend that I´m all right
While my heart is breaking instead 

It hits like a fist each time you lie
I want to see you fight
I want to see you fight
I won´t keep my mouth shut
I will not pretend that I´m all right
While my heart is breaking instead

6. Wolf in a Sheepskin

Tell me tell me where you heading to
outside is dark and I´m feeling blue
Show me show me where you´d go
if you were lost and you had no home
 I would be lying if I said I´ll stay
Just follow me, you´ll be safe

I take I take I take
I break I break I break

Tell me tell me how you feel
the night was warm and it didn´t seem real
Show me show me where you´d go
If you were the last human on earth
And I would lie if I said that I cry
don´t look for me, I won´t be found

I take I take I take
I break I brake I fake

I´ll be waiting till the night has come
cause the day will find us apart
You´ll bring the magic of a loving heart
And you´ll get me all I want

I´ll be waiting till the night has come
cause the day will find us apart
You´ll bring the magic of a loving heart
And you´ll get me all I want

I take I take I take
I break I brake I fake

Tell me tell me where you heading to
Just follow me, you´ll be safe

7. Star

Star descending from the sky
oh, what a shame I’ll never be on time
to catch your fall

I’m trying to speak louder
but you cannot hear my voice
because your thoughts in your head are way too loud

Brother, I’m so sorry that you have to go through this
If only I could take your pain away
If only I could find the joy you’re looking for
to comfort your restless troubled heart

Cause when you smile your brightest smile
I can see your eyes stay sad
When you fight your silent fights
I can hear your heart screaming
I wish my legs were very fast
and that would be enough
to run to you and be on time to catch your fall,
to be on time to catch your fall

Star descending from the sky
there is no way I’ll be on time this time to catch your fall
If I’d ever made it
I’d have taken you to the ocean, to the island that you love the most

But now let me sleep in
please don’t wake me up
Today no music on earth shall be played

Cause when you smiled your golden smiles
I could see your eyes were sad
When you fought your silent fights I could hear your heart breaking
Wish my legs were very fast
and that would be enough
to run to you and be on time to catch your fall
to be on time to catch your fall

Cause when you smiled your golden smiles
I could see your eyes were sad
When you fought your silent fights I could hear your heart breaking
Wish my legs were very fast
and that would be enough
to run to you and be on time to catch your fall
to be on time to catch your fall

Star descending from the sky
oh, what a shame I’ll never be on time
to catch your fall

8. Daylight

Led by my courageous heart
Of all my fights I wear the scars
I miss what is gone and won´t come back
I miss what is lost and can´t be found

I´ve seen you standing at the entrance door
How come you didn´t try to step in
I watched you trying not to get lost
Oh, how much bravery it takes?

I don´t care how far I´ll have to walk
The daylight shines and leads me on and on
The daylight shines and leads me on and on
The daylight shines and leads me on and on

Who said how things are supposed to be?
I tried my way never stop dreaming
How often though life asked me to grow strong?

I don´t care how far I´ll have to walk
The daylight shines and leads me on and on
The daylight shines and leads me on and on
The daylight shines and leads me on and on

9. Stay

You showed me your soft side
Let me touch your scars
I gave you my arms and a place to hide
When I´m with you things simply fall into place
You made me feel brave
I´m not afraid

If I don´t know where to go
Would you let me in and stay
If I were to lose and fall
Would you hold on to me?
Would you hold on to me?

Now reach out to my hand
And you will find me
You don´t need to crave this evermore
I will suggest you some words to whisper in my ear
To make this night brighter

If I don´t know where to go
Would you let me in and stay
If I were to lose and fall
Would you hold on to me?
Would you hold on to me?

If I don´t know where to go
Would you let me in and stay
If I were to lose and fall
Would you hold on to me?
Would you hold on to me?

10. Wirewalker

Looking for truth
Seeking for love
Hunting for answers in the deepest darkest night of all

No self forgiveness
No compromise
Your goals set too high where no one could reach the top

You shouldn´t be alone
What´s wrong with wanting to shine
Star of mine

How many times a heart can break
How many times will you fall again?
I wish I could easy it up for you
I wish I could save you on and on

You won´t scream it loud
You´ll wear a smile to hide
You won´t let me into the deepest darkest night at all
You shouldn´t be alone
What´s wrong with wanting to shine
Star of mine 

How many times a heart can break
How many times will you fall again?
I wish I could easy it up for you
I wish I could save you on and on

How many times a heart can break
How many times will you fall again
I wish I could easy it up for you
I wish I could save you on and on

On and on 
On and on
On and on and on
On and on and on


Foto di Zoe Vincenti.

Si ringraziano Missincat e Rossana Savino – Pitbellula

